Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Talk about an Attachment..

okay so the last time i posted was on a sunday and today is tuesday so i have two bloody days to talk about ...woohoo...promise not to get gory or obnoxious on all of ya...so sunday was a somewhat of a pleasant day...mr. c is definetly the most patient and understand person i have met in my life...i seriously swear..i drove to utter confusion but he still kept his cool...man i need some patience like that ...i thought i had some at one point in my life but now i am just utterly confused...can someone out there hear me...oh please answer... hellooooooo...so since the last posting was on a sunday that meant that monday was work...my week started off with me having this look of confusion and madness..seriously do not ask why ...if i knew i would not have had it ..so i come into work and this security dude tells me and a few other folks that we need to delete all of our messaging applications..comeon get real...and my freaking laptop will not connect to the internet cause the phone line connected to my telephone is messed up..i have already notified the feds and they are fully aware of it ...but are they doing anything ..obviously not if within two days i still do not have internet access on my laptop..sorry for all those i talk to everyday from the wee morning to late at night ...just remember...I AM GOD...lol..just teasing ... so we have all these data issues that are forever piling up ...can someone just explain why ...but of course the smart alleck that i am i get the hardest ones ...i probbaly will turn 24 even before my birthday..so the rest of the day was just alright ...what did i have for good ol dinner...cereal which i really do not mind cause helps me feel a bit more relaxed...yeah i know it is weird but i am just a weird girl..got to see my friend vik last night he just came back from barcelona and a stagdude party ..yeah yeah what the hell is that ..,from my american friends that is a bachelor party...you know when they get so drunk and look for naked women...lol..nah he ain't like that ..not that i know of...but we talked for a few and then i am off to my night of television...

so come tuesday morning .i have breakfast with some of my indian folks and off to work and day goes by like yesterday ..how monotone some days get ....

my indian friends have just from india..mad cool and mad smart..they need to transfer some of that information..that is the thing with indians they like to hog it all..

till next time..i need some dinner..

1 comment:

kRiS said...

Well I think it’s an NJIT thing..all the girl I know form NJIT don’t seem to have much patients including me and doodles here…as for desi taking over the IT world ..it’s true u know how I know..cuz bill gates isn’t really white…he’s a bloody Patel…and he went under the knife just like Michel Jackson to turn his skin white so he can fool the American public into buying his stocks…and we stupid *sses did ..and now that damn Guju is worth billions…See I knew the desi’s were goin to take over the world…umm …wonder if he’d like to adopt me…I wouldn’t mind callin him “pappa”…