Monday, February 07, 2005

Two Days in a Row...Wowie

Dear Blog,

How are you my dear? So two days in a row. Now that is really something. Do you ever wonder why we do some of the things that we do such as hide things from other, do not provide full details, or just be plain rude? Sometimes I have wondered it is probably because we do not want to catch the evil eye. What are we really scared of … People or the inevitable??? Me personally I am afraid of the inevitable. I am always thinking so positive but at the same I am always scared of something going wrong. I have felt that I have worked so hard to get certain things in my life, such as my hunny, Chirag, that I want nothing to ever go wrong. I mean of course we will have the occasional argument but that is child’s stuff compared to the things I have seen. Life is too short to live with anger. We should all be living and smiling with all our heart and soul.

So what do you think are the entities for a happy life? For me , I think has to be around people that I love and that love me with all my friend. Right now, for me is certainly Chirag, my parents, my brother, and some of my closest friend who I adore and know will always be there for me for sure.
This weekend , I really got to thinking quite a bit and I hope with my full heart that things go right, I get the job that will work the best for us, and of course the life. It is funny how last year has changed Dimple certainly for the better. So now I going to get ready to do one task that many people are waiting for : to cook…Let the dough get rolling.

Love ya,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

like tumbler and tipsy days hopefully we will remain in high spirits. well, good day