Saturday, June 25, 2005

A Come Back...

Dear Blog,

Wow I think I really took the cake now by not writing in ages…I have always wanted to write but then do not get the chance to or the last thing I want to do after work is sit on a computer and do anything..i really seldom check my email messages..i think it was only during school time that I will take that time to check my web messages just to make sure that I participated and all the assignments were done on time..i think after that I just been feeling like I been drained out …but you know what the summer is her it is time for relaxation and a new beginning…. As soon as I have come back from London I have been working nonstop and traveling nonstop which is good and bad but sometimes I just want a day to do nothing tension no emails telling me what to do…just be able to read a book knowing that there is nothing pending because I am sitting there reading a book or for that sitting here writing this blog…but you know what right now who cares..i am at the airport and my flight is delayed again…I don’t think there has been one flight back to nj or florida where my flight has not been delayed at least by minimum of 45 minutes…

So what is taking up so much time in my flight basically ..this preparation for the engagement ..i love my mom but every weekend there is something to do…oh oh let me add we (chirag and i) are just not preparing for the engagement but also redoing my house…this is something that we should have been doing for years but of course like most families things do not really happen until there is a reason to do so . unless the family is really anal or just has a lot of company that they are spic and span all the time.

Work ? the ever lasting story of our as always is challenging and different from location and of course different people…I been trying to figure what is it that I want to do in life…do I want a stable job or do I want to start a business ...where do chirag and I want to settle…where can we both a find a job..questions that arise everyday of our lives…at one point I was getting job offers left and right from boeing, ibm, etc…and did I take any of them…maybe it is better that I didn’t cause I really got to travel like many people (including myself) just dream of …but what about stability I want to start a family in next couple of years…i don’t my children to go through what I had gone through…most of the kids my age and older turned into latchkey kids…I would not see my father until the weekends especially he came home when I was asleep and left before woke up…I guess these questions become deeper and stronger to answer especially because I am turning twenty-five..yes you heard me big 25…that is the quarter life… know after writing all this I know everything will be alright ..aslong GOD is with you and and in your heart and mind…everything will just be fine …

Love ya,


Sunday, March 20, 2005

Some Thoughts on LIfe

Dear Blog,

How are you my dear? Can you believe it that I have not written to you in ages? I know that you probably mad pissed off at me but please forgive me. You know what today I have been thinking a lot and have been wondering why certain things just happen to certain people. Do we think that these people deserve to be hurt and wander about who they are and why are they cursed? I do not think so. I feel that if people are happy let them be happy , what is wrong with that ? I do not really like the stuff some people say that certain negative things happen because you will cherish life in general more. I do not think so. I do not think that crying your heart and questioning life will make you cherish more. I personally have gone through some emotional upheavals maybe in terms of love , work, or school, or anything else. And each time this happened my motivation to do anything has been beyond the value of zero. But of course I take it lightly and know that things will be great in the end. Then why go through it .

I love my hunny , my family, my school, the work I do . I am true believer that all will be okay if we all think positively. But sometimes even that does not work because life just gets too much of all a sudden. Recently, I started question why certain things were happening to me and felt really hurt. Why? Because I worked really hard to have the relationship I do, the work I do, etc. and I will be darned if anyone takes that away from me. I will put up a full fight and with GOD’s grace keep the things or people I cherish with my life.

How do you guys deal when get like this? Do not think that I am being depressed or anything , but sometimes I just wonder.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Work Life Balance ???

Dear Blog,

How are you my dear? So what a day… Can I say it is like being in HELL? Today I have talked and talked with all those business folks and tired my jaws out. Tomorrow I think it just gets worse. Maybe I can eat more of the stuff I like so my jaws will not be in trouble. But at the thought of that makes me think about the pain that losing those pounds will give me. So right now it is about evening time in the United Kingdom and I am totally tired. I want to sleep and go home. Maybe if I have some time , I will sit down and organize the items that I want to keep here and the items that I want to take home. Did I ever think that when I first moved out here that moving back home was going to be such a organized task? NOOO…obviously not..but it is okay I will manage something..

So right now my head is pounding and need some alone time and to think without being interrupted. I am debating what should I go home and cook. Should I cook or stick with soup out of a bottle. I really want a spicy meal though but I am not sure how my stomach handles it. So guys I am a stage that I can not handle spicy foods anymore. It really sucks since I absolutely adore all the Indian spices. But it is probably good for me and will make me eat a bit healthier. So maybe another pear ??? Why not !!!..

So have you guys wondered what criteria is taken into when setting priorities? Why are some things chosen over others….I think a lot of times it is just preference that takes precedence. For some reason, why does work come over everything else. Is it the fact that we are scared to lose our job or status. I know I have recently decided that I am going to do what is right for me and not let any other entity rule over that . My loved one and my work life balance is very important to my well being and people like managers should understand that .

Ahhh cool vented…

I have a question for ya…How do you guys deal with stress???

Love ya,


Monday, February 07, 2005

Two Days in a Row...Wowie

Dear Blog,

How are you my dear? So two days in a row. Now that is really something. Do you ever wonder why we do some of the things that we do such as hide things from other, do not provide full details, or just be plain rude? Sometimes I have wondered it is probably because we do not want to catch the evil eye. What are we really scared of … People or the inevitable??? Me personally I am afraid of the inevitable. I am always thinking so positive but at the same I am always scared of something going wrong. I have felt that I have worked so hard to get certain things in my life, such as my hunny, Chirag, that I want nothing to ever go wrong. I mean of course we will have the occasional argument but that is child’s stuff compared to the things I have seen. Life is too short to live with anger. We should all be living and smiling with all our heart and soul.

So what do you think are the entities for a happy life? For me , I think has to be around people that I love and that love me with all my friend. Right now, for me is certainly Chirag, my parents, my brother, and some of my closest friend who I adore and know will always be there for me for sure.
This weekend , I really got to thinking quite a bit and I hope with my full heart that things go right, I get the job that will work the best for us, and of course the life. It is funny how last year has changed Dimple certainly for the better. So now I going to get ready to do one task that many people are waiting for : to cook…Let the dough get rolling.

Love ya,


Saturday, February 05, 2005

Dimple is Back

Dear Blog,

How are you ? So what has been up with Dimple aka Doodle, Dimps, Dimp, Dimpu, Dimples, etc. How can one have so many names? I guess because everyone sees me a little differently. Some see me as amusing, yet some see me as serious. Have you ever wondered what people think about you? If the face that is shown is true? I guess I been wondering about all this particularly because I am moving back to NJ in a few weeks and I guess things will be different compared to when I had left home to work on my project in Europe and travel through Europe. I like my new life and I have become a stronger person. I always pray to GOD that please keep me like this and all my loved ones.

Work has been okay. Pretty busy but not as busy before, but still my body wants to relax…I still sometimes wish I had a typical eight hour job no matter what shift. I hate to not know what time I will be heading home but what am I going to do but look for another job. I am certainly looking and so is everyone else for me. Let us see what happens. Just be strong and welcome support from the loved ones.

School…hmm..that is seeming to go okay so far. I am keeping up with the participation as well as the assignments though we have only had one thus far. So wish me luck.

So I am at my flat in Horsham, UK and watching this show called Stare in My Eyes. It is quite similar to Star Search. Now who remembers this show…That was certainly like years ago. Well , there is this English guy that singing and pretending to be Phil Collins and I realized how much I liked this music. It is full of excitement and feeling and it is great.

So readers, five more weeks till I move back home. Wowie. I am nervous, yet I will be closer to all my loved ones.

Love you,


Thursday, January 13, 2005

Medimpsy doodle

Dear Blog,

Ho w are you ? I am really truly sorry that I have not been able to write in the longest time. Life has just become quite hectic that I am trying to have time for myself and my loved ones. Sometimes I wonder if having life quite chaotic is good. I would think that it is both good and bad. Good particularly because things are accomplished that is only if the time is used widely. I would not consider getting drunk or staying outside till wee hours in the morning to be a busy life. Bad because you do not give yourself time to reflect on yourself and what you (as a person) had gone through.

So what have I been doing? Well the last time I had written to you it was Thanksgiving weekend. And since then I have done so much and been all over the place. I got to spend a lot of time with my loved ones and I enjoyed every waking moment of it. When you have gone away for so long and never staying in one place for a good period of time, you begin to realize that the people that you love and that love you are the most important in your life and nothing else matters. That time that is spent is cherished forever. We all work pretty hard and spend most of the time at the airport or at all other locations outside of the home.

So where am I right now? Can you believe it that I am on a train going from Paris to the United Kingdom at 6:30 in the morning? Can you believe that this was the only moment I have to write and the only moment that I was in the mood to write? Just a random statement, a couple of days a good friend mentioned that to me that my blogs seem quite negative and bashing of men. I guess I tend to write or vent when I feel a lot has gone wrong or not my way. I am usually a very positive person and I tend to be that way because life is really not as bad as I may make it seem. For instance, yesterday morning I got into an argument with my fiancé about the stupidest things and the funny thing is that I did not realize that I had blown up. He is a calm ,caring, and loving person and always looks out for my best interest and I had blown up. I really wish I would realize when these days come cause the people I care about do not deserve it. It is really nice (not at the time) when someone gives you suggestions on how to improve yourself. Sometimes we as people do not realize how we are because it is so routine and of course we all think that we are perfect. By the way the last portion was a funny.. you know ha ha hee

Right now I guess I am trying to plan out my next six months and get organized about it. I feel that I really need to stay on top of things particularly because they have to be done. Procrastinating will just makes things worse.

Do you ever think about what makes you YOU? I guess there are a whole bunch of things including your loves ones, your education, your thoughts and the way you have lived life. Being open minded to all solutions is quite important in general. I would think understanding different cultures and ways of life through books, programs, or even to traveling makes a world of difference see how the rest of the world.

Okay so I am out now . I am going to take my own advice and learn to see the world with a bigger eye. (maybe through the London eye) Okay that was a joke too. Ha ha hee hee..
